All the learning documents in one place, for you to download, they are also available on the individual Year Group pages.
Documents to download
- Kites Curriculum sharing 2024-25
- Kites Rules for a happy classroom
- Kites Timetable 2024-25
- Kites Handbook 2024_25
- New to Kites information_children
- Reading in Kites
- read write inc booklet
Year one
Documents to download
- Phonics screening check information for parents (Jan2025)
- NumBots Parent Guide
- Y1 Curriculum Sharing 2024-25
- Transition to Year 1
- Y1 Maths Calculation Guide
- Y1 Common irregular words
- Cursive Letter Formation
- Phonics Guidance for parents (set 2 & 3 speed sounds)
- Phonics Guidance for parents (set 1 speed sounds)
- End of Y1 expected levels
- Y1 Science Vocabulary List
- transition booklet ks1
- Reading Tips for Parents
- Helpful questions for reading comprehension
- Being Successful at SCPS
- Key Stage 1 Maths Top Tips
- Maths advice for parents of children in Year 1
Year two
Documents to download
- Phonics screening check information for parents (Jan2025)
- NumBots Parent guide
- Y2 Notes on Curriculum Shaing 2024-25
- Y2 Curriculum Sharing 2024-25
- Y2 Timetable 2024-25
- Transition to KS2 June 2024
- Y2 Maths Calculation Guide
- Ruth Miskin videos-part 1
- Y2 Reading with your child – parent advice booklet
- End of Y2 expected levels
- Y2 Science Vocabulary List
- Helpful questions for reading comprehension
- Being Successful at SCPS
- High Frequency Word list
- Maths advice for parents of children in Year 2
Year three
Documents to download
- TTRS Parent Guide
- Year 3 Curriculum Sharing 2024-25
- Y3 Timetable Term 1 2024-25
- Y3 Maths Calculation Guide
- End of Y3 expected levels
- transition booklet ks2
- Being Successful at SCPS
- Spelling list-Y3 & Y4
- Helpful questions for reading comprehension
- Maths advice for parents of children in Year 3
Year four
Documents to download
- Information_for_parents_multiplication_tables_check
- Y4 Timetable 2024-25
- Y4 Curriculum Sharing 2024-25
- Grammar and Punctuation Hints
- Y4 Maths Calculation Guide
- Y4 Science Vocabulary List
- Being Successful at SCPS
- Y4 I can spell list
- Spelling list-Y3 & Y4
- Helpful questions for reading comprehension
- Maths advice for parents of children in Year 4
Year five
Documents to download
- Y5Timetable 2024-25
- Y5 Curriculum Sharing 2024-25
- Secondary School Open Days entry Sep2025
- Year 5 Timetable 2023-24
- End of Y5 expected levels
- Grammar and Punctuation Hints
- Y5 Science Vocabulary List
- Woodlands Parent Check List
- Spelling list – Y5 & Y6
- Helpful questions for reading comprehension
Year six
Documents to download
- 2025 KS2 National curriculum tests-information_for_parents
- Y6 Timetable 2024-25
- Y6 Curriculum Sharing 2024-25
- Secondary School Open Days entry Sep2025
- Woodlands Kit list
- Supporting children’s transition to secondary school
- End of Y6 expected levels
- Y6 Science vocabulary list
- Book recommendations for Y6-7
- Spelling list – Y5 & Y6