Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Receiving updates from our website

You can subscribe to our mailing service which sends you an e-mail once a day, if there have been any updates on the website pages to which you have subscribed.  Please note this is separate from ParentMail, which is administered from the school office and is the main source of school information.

We started using a new mailing service last year, so there may be a few people still receiving mail (especially from the main news page) via the old Feedburner service.

If you signed up to a page notification since October 2014, your subscription has automatically been moved up a year (for example if you subscribed to Year 4 last year, you will receive Year 5 notifications from today (Sept 1st)).  So you don’t need to do anything.

If you signed up before September 2014, you need to manually unsubscribe from our old mailing service and re-signup using our new service.

To sign up to any of our pages  please go to our website and follow the instructions at

How to tell which service you are signed up with?

If the email you receive comes from  this is from the old service.  Look at the bottom of the email, click on the unsubscribe link and go to the Feedburner site to unsubscribe.  Then sign up to our new service as above.

If the email you receive comes from webmaster then this is the new mailing service and you don’t need to do anything.


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