Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


We would love to see you on our Open Days on 1st October 2024 (1.30pm) and 24th October 2024 (9.30am). Further details will follow here – but there is no need to book and you are welcome to bring children with you. We look forward to meeting you.

You can always be assured of a warm welcome here at Sonning Common Primary. We hold Open Mornings and Afternoons in October and November for parents of children starting reception in the following September where there is a welcome talk from our headteacher followed by tours of the school. If you missed these you can book a personal tour of the school by appointment or look at our virtual tour.  Please see Visit SCPS for more details.

For parents new to our school we have a Parent Handbook.

Our Admissions are managed by Oxfordshire County Council and you can find more details in our Admissions Policy.

Parents of children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 need to apply for an infant or primary school place for September 2025.  Admissions for entry into Reception (Kites) for September 2025 will open in October 2024, if you are looking for a place for September 2024 please contact OCC for details of how to make a late application.

For children resident in Oxfordshire

How to apply: Oxfordshire School Admissions

More details can be found in Oxfordshire’s booklet about the application process: OCC Starting School

For children resident in Reading

You can still apply for a place at SCPS if you live in the Reading area.
How to apply: Reading Schools Admissions

More details can be found in Reading’s booklet about the application process: RBC Primary Guide 2024-25.

For children living in another area please see your local authority’s website.


This is the Oxfordshire admissions appeals timetable for this year: Appealing School Places in Oxfordshire. If you are resident in another local authority please contact them directly for information on appeals.

Late Applications

The National Offer Day for 2024 (when you are informed which school your child has been allocated) was Tuesday 16th April 2024.  Applications can still be made after this date but will not be considered by your local authority until May 2024.

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