Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

School Uniform

School uniform is compulsory at SCPS and all items (with the exception of our branded sweatshirts/cardigans and PE tops) can be bought from any retailer, including supermarkets.  We strongly advise you to ensure all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name, as everything looks the same it is very difficult to return unlabelled uniform to your child. We make sure that the cost of our branded school uniform is reasonable and secures the best value for money.

Our PTA run a Second Hand Uniform Shop,  open every Monday and Friday at school pick up time. Donations of clean, outgrown uniform can be left at the School Office for re-sale. All items for sale are 50p and all the money goes back to support your school.  If you need additional help with uniform costs please contact the school office in confidence.

Here’s a QR code which takes you to our uniform supplier (for branded items):

Our uniform

  • Trousers or shorts in grey to be worn with grey socks.
  • Full length trousers in navy-blue to be worn with white, grey or navy-blue socks.
  • Navy blue skirt or pinafore dress (knee length) to be worn with white, grey or navy blue socks or navy blue tights.
  • Pale blue polo shirt or blouse
  • Optional summer dress: blue/white gingham check to be worn with white socks.
  • Kites (Reception): Branded light blue sweatshirts and t-shirts with Kites logo
  • Years 1-6: Branded school sweatshirt or navy-blue jumper / cardigan with school badge.
  • Sensible black or navy shoes (heels no more than 1 cm), boots must NOT be worn.

Hair and Jewellery

Boys and girls who choose to have long hair must keep it tied back and away from their face during school time. No extreme haircuts (shaved areas etc).
Hair accessories should be discreet and in school colours.

No jewellery or make-up (including nail varnish) is allowed. For pierced ears, discreet studs may be worn but must be removed or covered for PE.

PE / Games

We relaxed the rules on uniform to allow pupils to come to school wearing their PE kit (only on days they have PE).

  • *branded school PE T-shirt with school logo
  • branded school PE hoodie
  • navy blue shorts and / or navy blue tracksuit bottoms

Year 3 and upwards also need football boots, shin pads and long navy socks.

Children must still come to school in their normal school shoes and bring in a pair of trainers to change into for PE, as muddy trainers are not permitted inside the buildings.


Swimsuit, towel, swimming hat.
All in a separate named bag please.

Branded items of uniform

Branded school sweatshirts (including Kites uniform), cardigans, PE Hoodies and optional branded hats, PE bags,  and book bags are supplied by Earth Uniform.

* PE T-shirts (sizes 3-4 years and 5-6 years only) can be purchased from the school office at a cost of £6.50 and you can order these using the MyChildAtSchool app.  Other sizes are available from Earth Uniform.

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