Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Our Vision

At Sonning Common Primary School, we have designed a curriculum which considers the needs of a 21st Century child and is ambitious in providing our children with the knowledge, skills and learning behaviours required to become successful life-long learners. You can read more about this in our Curriculum Statement

Further information on how we teach the curriculum can be found in our Long Term Plans and how we ensure that learning is targeted by reference to our Skills Progression documents.

These are the policies relating to how the curriculum is taught at our school:

Art and Design Policy British Values Policy Collective Worship Policy
Computing Policy Design & Technology Policy Early Years Foundation Stage Policy
Geography Policy History Policy Literacy Policy
Mathematics Policy Music Policy Physical Education Policy
Primary Languages Policy PSHE Policy RSE Policy
Religious Education Policy Science Policy Challenge and Achievement Policy

You can find out more about the National curriculum by visiting the Government web site

UK Government National Curriculum

We are a Mulberry Bush Emotional and Social Curriculum school, you can find out more by visiting the Mulberry Bush curriculum website