Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Oxfordshire Libraries eBook short story competition 2023

Oxfordshire Libraries announce that their 9th writing competition launched on 3 January 2023. This year children aged 7-11 are invited to write a short story (up to 3000 words), other categories are available for 12-17 year olds and 18+. It is a perfect activity for the new year, inviting children to build on the creative […]

Welcome Back

It was lovely to see all the happy smiling faces back to school this week, staff and pupils alike were happy to be back catching up with friends. It’s great to have everyone back across the whole school, and we look forward to another fun-packed term full of inspiration and learning. On Thursday afternoon Mr […]

Merry Christmas from SCPS

As is traditional for the end of term, here is our Christmas video. We hope you enjoy watching it, and we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you back in school on Thursday 5th January 2023.

“Big Thank You”

At the start of the academic year, we introduced a new initiative called our ‘Big Thank You’. We felt that it was important to acknowledge and reward members of our team that have gone above and beyond the expectations of their role and so, each month, all SCPS staff have been able to nominate a […]

Freezing at Forest Camp

Just in case anyone was wondering why we still take children to Forest Camp in this cold weather – the children have learnt about the weather first hand, they have seen the three states of water – ice had formed in the plunge bucket overnight, water was poured on the fire to put it out, […]

Advice for parents about Group A Streptococcus (GAS)/Scarlet Fever

The government have issued advice for schools and parents following the recent increase in number of Group A Streptococcus cases in the UK. It’s important to remember that most Group A Streptococcus illnesses are relatively mild, with symptoms including a sore throat (“strep throat”), scarlet fever or a skin infection such as impetigo.  However, on […]

INSET Day this Friday

Don’t forget, this Friday is an INSET for parent consultations so children are not in school.

Book Fair (Wed-Fri)

Mrs Dunstan from the library will be running a Scholastic Book Fair after school in the KS2 playground on Wednesday 23rd , Thursday 24th and Friday 25th November and at the school Christmas Fair on Saturday 26th. You could celebrate the Icelandic tradition of Jolabokaflod (literally ‘Christmas book flood’) which involves giving books as presents on Christmas Eve, and […]

KS2 Wednesday Assemblies

Wednesday assemblies for KS2 this year have twin themes. Theme One is getting the massed audience to learn and sing along to ‘classic’ or topical tunes. To mark the change of monarch, we learned ‘Sing’ – the Commonwealth song by Gary Barlow and Andrew Lloyd Webber, and to mark Black History Month the children learned […]

Children in Need

This year we have decided not to do anything special for Children in Need on Friday, instead children have been taking part in game-a-thons with their class throughout the week.   If you are able to make a donation for Children in Need we will have collection buckets at the school entrances. To find out more: […]