Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Parent Governor vacancies

Happy New Year everyone. We just want to remind you that we currently have two vacancies for Parent Governors. If you would like a nomination form and fact sheet about becoming a parent governor, please email the school office or see the school web site (under Our School\Governors) for more details. All nominations should be […]

Christmas is coming…..

We thought you might like to see a few photos and videos of SCPS preparing for Christmas. Last assembly before Christmas, well done to everyone who received Head Teacher Pen awards. We say goodbye and good luck in your new schools to Miss Ingram and Miss Ramiz. The staff present to the children: The Robins: […]

Christmas Lunch

We thought you might like to see everyone enjoying their Christmas lunch, served by the staff and governors, complete with crackers, Christmas music and bad joke corner by Mr Hirst.

Christmas Fair Performances

Thank you to everyone who supported the PTA Christmas Fair, it was a lovely start to the Christmas season and we raised over £4000, all of which will be spent in school to benefit the children. The KS2 choir, the Recorder group, the Flute group and the Y6 Glee club entertained everyone, here’s a few […]

Non-uniform Day

Don’t forget, tomorrow (Friday 25th November) is non-uniform Day to support the Christmas Fair. Children are invited to wear their own clothes to school, but please remember that these need to be suitable for a normal day at school (no fancy dress). To “pay” for wearing non-uniform, children are asked to bring to school (on […]

Christingle video

Watch Kites, Y1, Y2 and Y6 celebrate Christingle:

Stars of the week 18-Nov-16

Here are the stars of the week for 18th November 2016 (awarded on Monday due to no assembly on Friday) (apologies, forgot the photo last time)

Stars of the week 11-Nov-16

Here are the stars of the week for 11th November 2016:

Stars of the week 4th November

Here are the stars of the week for 4-Nov-16