Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Stars of the week

Well done to everyone who achieved the first Star of the Week award of the new academic year:

Welcome to the new school year

I hope that you have had a very enjoyable summer and that your child has settled back into school life. I would like to extend a particularly warm welcome to those of you who are new to Sonning Common Primary. I hope that your son or daughter will do well and be very happy here. […]

Final assembly of 2017

The whole school celebrated the end of term with a prize giving assembly this morning. Children received prizes for a variety of achievements and Headteacher Pen awards were also given. We said thank you and farewell to everyone who is leaving, and wish them well in their next ventures. Finally we say well done to […]

Art installation in KS2 playground

We love our new art installation, a beautiful silvery fish, in the KS2 playground. Children from all the KS2 year groups, under the guidance of Mrs Steele and Mrs Mills, created this lovely work of art from old CDs. We hope you like it!

Singing for Gaz

Regular members of the Upper KS2 choir (plus a couple of added boys to even up the numbers), were invited to lend their talents to a professional recording this afternoon – for Gaz Coombes (ex-Supergrass). Whilst producer Ian Davenport was setting up his mobile studio in the Computer Suite, the children warmed up with ‘World […]

Online safety

With the school summer holidays approaching we thought you might like be reminded of how to keep your children safe whilst on-line. We have lots of resources to look at via our online safety pages: Online safety. This website has some good advice for you about a new mapping feature announced recently by Snapchat: SnapChat […]

Stars of the week 30-Jun-17

Here are the stars of the week for 30th June 2017

Sports Day

We were lucky with the weather for Sports Day, everyone showed great sportsmanship and we hope you liked the new layout in the top field. Here are a few photos of the event. KS2 KS1 Check out the Year group pages for more photos in due course.

Sports Day – Tuesday 27th June

KS2 Sports day will start at about 9.15am and KS1 sports day will start at 1:30pm. Parents attending either event are requested to sit on the left side of the TOP field towards the hedge (children will sit on the side nearest to the Courts). There will be limited seating on school benches for parents […]

Year Five claim Cricket title!

It was a pleasure to take a fairly raw group of Year Five cricketers to the annual Oratory Cricket Tournament this afternoon. This is one of the bigger events in the area and usually draws a good number of primary school teams – often with established Club players. Our team of Lucas T, Joe W, […]