Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Book Competition and Mini bridge

Here’s a photo of the winners of our World Book Day competition “Design a Book Cover” with their winning entries.   And here are our newly qualified mini Bridge experts.

Stars of the week

Here are the Stars of the week for 17th March 2017 including the whole of Mrs Fraser’s Y2 class.

Henley Youth Festival – Art in the Square

As you may know, HYF is holding a free art workshop this weekend, Saturday 18th March from 12-3pm in Market Place, Henley. Dr Brian Squabbles, Red Van Man, will be arriving in Henley to create fantastical worlds with the contents of his van. Please see this poster for more details. Art in the Square poster

Y6 Jazz Band entertain the whole school

Y6 Jazz Band performed in assembly today in front of the whole school. It was an amazing performance, well done everyone. You can watch and listen to their performance by visiting our music page: Y6 Jazz Band performances

Y4 Maths Competition

On Monday afternoon, Miss Worlock accompanied some keen mathematicians from year four to take part in the Maths Challenge afternoon at Gayhurst School in Chalfont St Peter. With determination and perseverance, Devon S, Nina G, Oliver H and Emily W worked incredibly hard using and applying their skills in problem solving to calculate some very […]

Bon Voyage Mrs Thurlow

We said a fond farewell to Mrs Thurlow in assembly today, as she embarks on an exciting adventure around the world in her boat.  She has been with SCSP for 10 years and we will miss her very much.  Good luck and bon voyage!

Stars of the Week

Here are the Stars of the Week for Friday 3rd March.

World Book Day

Thank you to everyone who donated books for the Big Book Swap on World Book Day. There was a lovely atmosphere as children chose themselves a ‘new’ book: older children were reading to younger children; children were recommending books to their friends; there was lots of spontaneous book talk about which one to choose – […]

Y4 swimming gala

Well done to the Year 4 children that took part in the swimming gala at Gillotts on Thursday. All five of the teams were placed second, beating several other local schools. Great sportsmanship was shown by all of our children. Thank you to all of the parents that helped with transport and cheerleading and to […]

Inter house running event

Well done to the children that took part in the inter-house running event. All of the children showed excellent sportsmanship, cheering other on and looking after children younger than themselves. Wasps were the winners with 139 points!