Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Your PTA fund new Maths resources

The PTA have generously given funds to enable the purchase of lots of new Maths resources for your children to use throughout the whole school.

Stars of the week 6-Nov-17

Here are the stars of the week for last week, awards were given today as there was no assembly on Friday due to the Planetarium visit.

PTA Wine tasting this Friday 3rd November

PTA Wine Tasting event There are still a few tickets available for the PTA wine tasting event this week on Friday 3rd November. Please contact Katie by email ( by the end of today (Wednesday) if you would like tickets. For those that have tickets, see you at 7.30 on Friday to start tasting at […]

Stars of the week

Here are the last Stars of the week for Term 1. We hope everyone has a great week off and we will see you again on Monday 31st October.

Children’s disco – Thursday 19th October

Children’s Disco – Thursday 19th October The PTA are holding two Children’s Discos to celebrate the end of the first term.  The first Disco is for KS1 (Kites, Y1 and Y2) from 4:15 – 5:45pm.  The second Disco is for KS2 (Yr 3,4,5 and 6) from 6:00-7:30pm. The Discos are £2.50 per child payable on […]

Stars of the week

Here are the stars of the week for week ending 13th October 2017:

Stars of the week

Stars of the week for Friday 20th September:

Stars of the week

For the week ending 22nd September, here are the stars of the week

Stars of the week

Here are the stars of the week for 15-Sep-17