Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Stars of the week 24-Nov-17

Here are the stars of the week for week ending 24th November (non uniform day)

Christmas Fair – thank you

We are delighted to let you know that the Christmas Fair raised over £4000, so a huge thank you to everyone who made it happen, by making things, setting it up and clearing away, helping on the stalls and in the kitchen and of course to everyone who came to enjoy the fair and spend […]

Non-Uniform Day Friday 24th November

Friday 24th November is Non Uniform Day to support the SCPS Christmas Fair. Children are invited to wear their own clothes to school (no fancy dress please) on Friday 24th November. To “pay” for wearing non-uniform, please bring to school (on Friday morning): a bottle or jar for the adult tombola AND a small wrapped […]

Year 5 Maths Challenge

Two teams of Year 5 mathematicians competed in the annual Year 5 Maths Challenge at Rupert House School this week. Congratulations to both teams, who came home with a first and a second in their respective groups.

Children in Need Bake Off – Thank you

The SCP School Council just want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who baked a cake and donated money to Children in Need, at our SCPS Bake Off on Friday. We raised a whopping £360.15 for Children in Need! Every cake entry was absolutely amazing. The talent and effort people put into those […]

Stars of the week 17-Nov-17

Here are this week’s stars of the week

Children in Need bake off

Well done to the school council and everyone who entered our Bake Off in aid of Children in Need.  There were some lovely cakes entered and School Council enjoyed tasting and judging the entries.  It was a difficult decision as there were so many super cakes, but our final winners were: Kites Molly T, Y1 Jake […]

Anti-Bullying Week: All Different, All Equal

This week is Anti-bullying Week and we thought parents and carers might like to see some guidance for when your children are using the internet and especially social media. Cyber bullying advice For more details and information take a look at our webpage on internet safety: using the internet safely

Stars of the week 10-Nov-17

Here are the stars of the week for 10th November 2017:

Your PTA fund new Maths resources

The PTA have generously given funds to enable the purchase of lots of new Maths resources for your children to use throughout the whole school.