Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Stars of the week 5-May-17

Here are the stars of the week for 5th May

Oxfordshire Music Service “Summer Fun with Music and the Arts” courses

An exciting opportunity for children in Years 3-7 (with some musical experience) to have some Summer Fun with Music and the Arts. Oxfordshire Music Service are running 4 day courses in the summer holidays (in Oxford, Wallingford and West Oxford) where children can enjoy music and performing arts with a team of experienced teachers, finishing […]

Year 3/4 Peppard tennis tournament

On Tuesday 2nd May a Y3/Y4 tennis team took part in the Peppard tennis tournament. It was a convincing win over Shiplake and Peppard. All played exceptionally! thanks to Mrs Archibald for taking and supporting the team.

Swimming gala

Well done to the swimmers from Years 4, 5 and 6 that competed on Monday at a swimming gala at The Oratory. Three other schools competed, making it an exciting event to take part in. As it was only a friendly, we are currently unaware of the results. One thing that is for certain is […]

Stars of the Week 28.04.17

Here are this week’s stars:

Poetry and Performance Showcase 2017

Last night saw the third edition of our annual Poetry and Performance Showcase evening. The evening features around 40 children from Years 3 and up performing poems and and a further group of children showing their musical or dance skills.  The school Jazz Band also entertains during the interval. Yesterday’s event was superbly attended by […]

Henley Environment Science competition

We thought you might like to see part of our submission to the Henley Environmental Science competition. Lots of the children were involved, from Kites through to Year 6 (including last year’s Y6) doing lots of different work in Forest School. Digital leaders took photos every school day from March 2016 through to February 2017 […]

Kids’ Yoga Day

Well done to all the children for joining 42,000 other children around the world doing yoga today on International Kids’ Yoga Day.

Headteacher Pen Awards

Well done to everyone who received a Headteacher Pen Award in assembly this morning.

International Kids Yoga Day

Friday 7th April is International Kids’ Yoga Day where the whole school will be joining 40,000 other children in 42 other countries doing yoga at the same time. Here are the children practicing ready for today. Kids Yoga Day website