Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Sports Day – Tuesday 27th June

KS2 Sports day will start at about 9.15am and KS1 sports day will start at 1:30pm. Parents attending either event are requested to sit on the left side of the TOP field towards the hedge (children will sit on the side nearest to the Courts). There will be limited seating on school benches for parents […]

Year Five claim Cricket title!

It was a pleasure to take a fairly raw group of Year Five cricketers to the annual Oratory Cricket Tournament this afternoon. This is one of the bigger events in the area and usually draws a good number of primary school teams – often with established Club players. Our team of Lucas T, Joe W, […]

Free Wiki websites available

Oxford County Council have some free software licence available for making and hosting Wiki websites, which they have asked us to let you know about. Wiki websites are a powerful tool which can be used by families and young people to create interactive website using through pictures, words, videos and sound. Although originally designed for […]

Family Fun Quiz Friday 30th June

Family Fun Friday Quiz Mr Andrews and Mr Foley are hosting a family quiz from 6pm on Friday 30th June in the hall. Are you up for the challenge?! Get together a team of 6 people that must be made up of one to two adults and four to five children. Entry is £12 per […]

PTA summer fair

A big thank you from the PTA to everyone who helped make the fair a special day. As well as everyone enjoying themselves we raised a fantastic £4000! Here are a few highlights:

Stars of the week for 16-Jun-17 and 9-Jun-17

Here are this week’s stars of the week. and last week’s stars too.

Maths Challenge at Queen Anne’s

Eight girls from Years 4 and 5 competed at the annual Queen Anne’s School Mathematics Olympiad on Wednesday. Events were based around Olympic events, including ‘Front Crawl’ and the ‘Marathon’. The girls (Maddie, Alice, Alice, Harriet, Nina, Charlotte, Mary and Amelie) all enjoyed themselves and there were excellent individual and team performances. Many thanks to […]

Jazz Club entertain FISH

Our current Year Six Jazz Club, consisting of Freya, Rosie, Ian, Louisa, Henry and James had their first gig outside school yesterday, playing at the Village Hall for around 60 pensioners support by the FISH Volunteer Centre. The musicians appeared to show no nerves whatsoever and performed admirably – winning lots of applause and compliments […]

Quad Kids success

On Thursday 8th June Mr Andrews took the KS2 Quad Kids team to Chiltern Edge for the Quad Kids tournament. After lots of throwing, running and jumping, we were declared the winners and brought the trophy back to school! The team was: Y3: Bailey P, Oskar G, Tommy H, Ernie N, Jacob S, Jemimah O, […]

Y4 and Y5 football success

Our girls football team competed in a local competition recently and came second.