Vote for SCPS at Tescos
Please don’t forget to vote for us in local Tesco stores in their blue token “Bags of Help” fundraising initiative. Each time you shop you get a token and the more tokens we receive, the more likely we will be to receive the top prize. If they don’t give you a token please remember to […]
Stars of the week 19-Jan-18
Here are the Stars of the week for week ending 19th January
KS2 choir sing at Young Voices
We are very proud of the KS2 choir that sang at Young Voices Birmingham Genting Arena on 11th January 2018. Thanks to Miss Brakspear for leading the choir, teaching and practicing the songs and the dance moves, to Mr Loader for driving the minibus and to Mrs Lowe for accompanying everyone on the day. Thanks […]
Stars of the week 12-Jan-18
Here are the Stars of the week for week ending 12th January
Stars of the week 5-Jan-18
Welcome back to school, we hope you all had a great break and we are looking forward to 2018. Here are the first stars of the week for 2018:
Y6 Jazz Band
The talented musician of the Y6 Jazz band entertained parents and jazz fans last week at their Christmas concert. We thought you might like to hear some of it.
Merry Christmas
The staff of SCPS decided to make a little video to show the children in the last assembly of 2017. We hope you like it and take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all back on Thursday 4th January.
Head teacher’s Pen awards
Well done to all the children who received a Head Teacher’s Pen Award in the final assembly of 2017.
Stars of the week 15-Dec-17
Here are the last Stars of the Week for 2017
SCPS in the snow
We thought you might like to see the school in the snow – thank you Mr Simic for the photos.