Thinking Day and Founders’ Day – 22nd February
Thursday 22nd February is World Thinking Day for the guide movement and Founders’ Day for the scout movement. Children are invited to wear their Rainbow/Brownie/Guide uniform for Thinking Day or their Beaver/Cub/Scout uniform for Founders’ Day to celebrate the joint birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell who started the organisations.
Animal Animations
We thought you might like to see some of the animal themed stop frame animations made by Miss Worlock’s mixed Y5 and Y6 group for our theme week. There are more on the Y5 and Y6 pages!
Stars of the week 9-Feb-18
Here are the stars of the week for week ending 9th February We hope you all have a great half term.
Times Tables Rockstars!
All children in Years 2-6 will be coming home today with details of Times Tables Rockstars. This is a new scheme which we will use to help improve tables knowledge throughout the school. Teachers will be trialling different ways of using the tool over the next few weeks – either in class, as recommended home […]
Children’s Disco Thursday 8th Feb
To celebrate the end of Term 3, as usual the PTA are running two Children’s Discos. Kites, Y1 and Y2 disco starts at 4:15pm and ends at 5:45pm. Please collect children from this disco from the back door of the hall (in the Kites playground) and leave via this playground to avoid incoming KS2 children. […]
Safer Internet Day 2018 – watch SCPS TV
Safer Internet Day 2018 Today is International Safer Internet Day. To mark the occasion we have produced a short film showcasing some of the issues and giving practical advice to children on how to stay safe online now and in the future. Your children have been shown a short introductory video today (available on the […]
Safer Internet Day 2018
We are celebrating Safer internet Day 2018 on February 6th, have a look at the trailer to see what’s happening tomorrow.
Wanted – Parent governors
Could you be a Parent Governor? What is involved? The role of the governing body is to: • Set the vision and strategic direction of the school • Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance • Ensure financial resources are well spent To do this, the full governing body meets 4-6 times per […]
Stars of the week 2-Feb-18
Here are the stars of the week for week ending 2nd February 2018:
Stars of the week 26-Jan-18
Here are the stars for week ending 26th January