Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Silver Medal Winners

Our Y5/Y6 team participated in the Oxfordshire Finals of Sportshall Athletics and came a well-deserved second place, each bringing home a large silver medal and a huge smile! Well done to the whole team for their hard work, especially in attending early morning training.

KS2 Performance Evening

Last Thursday saw the latest annual Performance Evening in the Hall. This year the focus was on storytelling, and the large audience of parents and friends witnessed 20 superb retellings of traditional tales by children from KS2 (who had been chosen from a wider field by their classmates). The standard was very high, and the […]

KS2 choir and Y6 jazz club performance

Before Easter parents were treated to an afternoon of music from the KS2 choir and the Y6 jazz club. Here are a few excerpts from the talented performers, we hope you enjoy it.

New Playground Markings The PTA very kindly applied to One Stop’s Carriers For Causes Scheme for a grant to pay for playground markings. They wanted to help the school enhance the children’s playtime in a fun and educational way. KS1 have a colourful alphabet dragon and KS2 have 6 exercise stations to make up […]

Bag2School Wed 18th April

Don’t forget to bring your old or outgrown items (which must be suitable for re-use) to school tomorrow for the Bag2School collection at 9am. You can use any bag (it doesn’t have to be a Bag2School bag!). The PTA receive money for the weight of the items, and this money is all spent on your […]

Headteacher pen awards

Well done to everyone who received a Headteacher pen award in our Easter assembly today.

Running Club

Running Club this morning had an interesting visitor…..

Digital Leaders wish you a Happy Easter

Digital Leaders have been working hard making some Easter animations. They storyboarded their ideas, made props, filmed it and edited it all themselves and here are the results. We hope you enjoy them.

Sport Relief Thank You

We are pleased to say the total raised from all your aerobics, skipping, running and goal shooting was a magnificent £520, which will be shared between Sport Relief (£420) and First Days (£100). Thank you for all your support.

Bags of Help thank you!

We are delighted to announce that we have bagged £2000 from Tesco’s Bags of Help community grant scheme! Thank you so much to everybody that voted for us. Work will now begin on improving our outdoor area in Kites.