Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


School open today (Monday 19th)

School is open as normal today, Monday 19th March. If you have to drive to school please take extreme care, especially on Grove Road and Lea Road. We have delayed our Sport Relief activities and will start these tomorrow instead. Please make sure your children wear warm coats, hats, gloves etc so they can enjoy […]

On Your Bike Marshalls Needed

On Your Bike is on Sunday 25th March 2018 and we need your help please. Without the help of more parents / carers / aunts / uncles / grandparents to step forward as volunteer marshals, we cannot marshal the event to the extent we have done in the past. No experience is necessary. You will […]

Stars of the week 9-Mar-18

Here are the Stars of the week for 9th March 2018

Digital Leaders are making Easter films

The Digital Leaders are busy making some Easter films, here are a few photos to show you what they are doing, we look forward to seeing the finished films.

Sport Relief

Sports Relief before school activities will now start on Tuesday 20th rather than tomorrow, Monday 19th, weather permitting. We are supporting this year’s Sport Relief appeal and our chosen charity for the year, First Days, by asking every child in school to take part in 10 minutes of extra physical activity every morning for a […]

Y5 Mini-Bridge

On Sunday 25th February four Year 5 girls from the Mini-Bridge lunchtime club at Sonning Common Primary School attended a Bridge meeting at Berrick and Roke Village Hall. Students from several local school attended and all the players were separated into Bridge tables and Mini-Bridge tables. Playing in pairs the girls did us proud by […]

Latest Snow News

Due to adverse weather conditions, school will be closed on Friday 2nd March, we expect to be open as normal on Monday. We’d like to set you some homework: No 1. make a snow angel No 2. freeze some water in a bottle and see what the changes are No 3. freeze some water in […]

World Book Day

Despite the snow the children enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day.

Snow news

School was open Thursday morning but closed from 1pm (all after school clubs cancelled) Due to the variability of the weather, Mr Hirst is not in a position to state whether school will be open or closed tomorrow (Friday). Currently, it is our intention to be open, but it depends on having enough staff in […]

World Book Day – Thursday 1st March

Don’t forget it’s World Book day on Thursday, children are invited to come to school dresses as their favourite book character and we are running a book swap too. All children are encouraged to bring in a book (or two) and these will be taken to the hall for sorting. In the afternoon, all children […]