County Cricket Finals
Wednesday saw our Y5/6 cricket team compete against 20 other teams in the Oxfordshire Kwik Cricket Finals. The event was held at an extremely hot Kidlington Cricket Club. Many teams had qualified through several rounds to reach the finals day, so were clearly amongst the best in the County. Our team were absolutely brilliant on […]
Swimming gala success
After making it through the first two rounds of competition, eight of our Year 6 swimmers travelled to Radley College to compete in the Oxfordshire final on Wednesday 3rd July. Competition was stiff with the girls competing against eight other teams and the boys competing against nine others. Throughout the competition, our pupils demonstrated excellent sportsmanship by […]
Sports Day
Tomorrow is Sports Day for all SCPS children, the forecast is for drizzle before 9am, then a cloudy but warm day. Please make sure your child comes to school with a full water bottle (water only) and that you have applied sunscreen. Children can arrive in their PE kit, please also make sure they have […]
Summer Fair success
What a fantastic summer fair, even the sun came out for us. We want to say a massive thank you to the PTA, all the volunteer helpers, the children who entertained us and everyone who came to support the day. It was great to see so many people having a good time and we raised […]
Spanish Day
On Thursday the children and staff really enjoyed being Spanish for a day. Thank you to Senora Baillie for organising the event. Everyone took part in a flamenco dancing workshop (thank you to Anita and Ramon) and then worked hard making and decorating their giant cardboard heads ready for the “Las Gigantes” parade. We enjoyed eating […]
School Games Gold Mark Award
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2018/19 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the […]
Jazz and Recycling in Peppard
The Year Six Jazz Band excelled themselves this morning at the annual Peppard War Memorial Hall Fete. A slightly cut-down line-up featured Toby, Devon, Amelia and Charlotte on vocal duties, Ben W on piano, Alice on drums, Joe on guitar and vocals, Ben H on cornet and vocals, and a horn section of Freddie (trumpet), […]
KS1 Quad Kids
On Tuesday 4th June, our KS1 children took part in Quad Kids which involved a long distance run, a sprint, a jumping and a throwing event. This was mainly run by our amazing Year 6 pupils. Despite getting a little soggy at the end, we had great fun. Thank you to Mr Nutt and Mrs […]
PTA Summer Fair 22nd June
The PTA Summer Fair will be held on Saturday 22nd June 12 – 3pm and this year the theme is “Embracing Nature and the Environment“. To support the summer fair there will be a non uniform day on Friday 21st June. Children are invited to wear their own clothes to school, but please remember that these need to be […]
Help us win a playground!
As part of The Colgate® Oral Care Recycling Programme, Colgate® and TerraCycle® are offering the opportunity to a Primary School to win a playground made from recycled oral care products. You can vote for your favourite Primary School (Sonning Common Primary School, of course!) from the 23rd of May 2019 until the 3rd of July 2019. Just click on the link […]