Autumn Art Competition
The SCPS Autumn Art competition has launched today. Children can 1 design a logo using the words “ART” for the school which can either be given to Mrs Fraser (in Y1) me or sent via email to by the 7th October and / or 2 create a piece art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy, sent […]
PTA Colour Run this Sat 28th Sep
We are preparing for the Colour Run this Saturday 28th September from 3pm – 6pm! If you would like to join us but haven’t bought your tickets yet, Amy O’Connor will be selling them near the table tennis tables on Friday 27th Sept before and after school, and you can also purchase them on the […]
Colour Run Saturday 28th September
Colour Run, Saturday 28th September 3-6pm Join our new event to welcome back everyone to the new school year ! The Colour Run will feature 4 one mile ‘races’ of the school field (you can run, walk or toddle!) and spectators will throw powder paint at the runners ! Tickets are available to purchase every […]
Welcome back
We were delighted to see so many lovely smiling faces for the start of the new school year and we would like to especially welcome our new Kites and all other new families to our school. We hope the first day back was enjoyable for everyone, don’t forget that next week we have our curriculum […]
Have a lovely summer holiday
We have had a great year, with lots of achievements in all subjects including some great Y6 SAT results and several sporting successes. Our thanks to all staff, parents and pupils for making our school such a great place to be! We say a sad goodbye to Mrs Allnutt, our Business Manager who leaves us […]
Great KS2 SATs results
We are delighted to tell you that our Year 6 pupils have achieved some fantastic SATS results, we are very proud of the effort they made and congratulations to each of them for doing their very best. We are pleased to tell you our results are above the national averages for both meeting the expected […]
Teaching Assistant of the Year: Mrs Conway
We are delighted to announce that Mrs Conway, our wonderful teaching assistant, has been named ‘Teaching Assistant of the Year’ by the Community Education Awards! Mrs Conway was unknowingly nominated for the award by staff who value her hard work in the classroom. As well as being a dedicated teaching assistant, Mrs Conway is also a […]
PTA Colour Run – taster
PTA Colour Run Event Come and witness a taster of our Colour Run event with some of SCPS staff tomorrow (Friday 12th July) at 3pm in the KS2 playground. The PTA will be selling tickets for the Colour Run – our new family event which will be held on Saturday 28th September 3-6pm. All tickets […]
School Council charity events
The School Council have decided to run some events for their chosen charity Helen and Douglas House. Tomorrow (Friday) there will be a penalty shoot out competition on the field against the school goalkeeper (20p a go or 3 for 50p) and on Wednesday (17th) there will be a welly wanging competition on the school […]
County Cricket Finals
Wednesday saw our Y5/6 cricket team compete against 20 other teams in the Oxfordshire Kwik Cricket Finals. The event was held at an extremely hot Kidlington Cricket Club. Many teams had qualified through several rounds to reach the finals day, so were clearly amongst the best in the County. Our team were absolutely brilliant on […]