Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


KS2 Film Night – Friday 7th Feb

Please book now for the KS2 film night on Friday 7th February from 6:30pm to 8pm. Film showing: Toy Story 4 Cost: £5 Children will receive: popcorn, crisps and a drink. Children can wear PJs. Closing date Wednesday 5th February.

Henley Youth Festival

Henley Youth Festival 7th – 15th March 2020 Theme: Oceans Your child should have recently brought home a leaflet giving details of how to get involved. Children can enter the following competitions: • Writing Competition • Cartoon Competition • Art Competition • Film Competition • Call for Young Reporters Closing date for all entries is […]

Young Voices 2020

Monday evening saw 27 intrepid choristers head up to Birmingham for the annual Young Voices concert. The basic premise is this: practice hard for several months under the expert guidance of Miss Brakspear and Mrs Lowe; get yourself a t-shirt and a torch; get yourself to the Birmingham NEC; have the most fun you possibly […]

On your Bike 2020 – Call for Volunteers

ON YOUR BIKE 2020 – SUNDAY 29TH MARCH 2020 – CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Would you like to get involved in an established, well organised school event? The Sonning Common On Your Bike event will be held on Sunday 29th March 2020. Theis well loved, firm favourite in the school and village calendar event allows all […]

Eco cake sale

Well done to Isabelle, Charlotte and Tabitha in Year 6 for raising over £43 on Friday. They decided that they wanted to raise money to buy ‘Eco Eddie’, a prize that will awarded each week to the most eco-friendly classroom. They sold cakes, sweets and lemonade and organised the whole event by themselves. Brilliant work […]

Red January for MIND

The School Council have chosen Mind as our charity this year. Mind is a National charity helping everyone understand mental health problems, they provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. SCPS School council have decided that the best way to […]

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We hope you have enjoyed our Christmas events including the PTA Christmas fair, the carol service, the nativity and the Kites presentation to mention a few. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 6th January. As usual the staff have found some […]

Phone lines

Due to the power cut on Thursday part of our phone system isn’t working. We do have a single phone working on the school number but please bear with us if the line is busy if you try to call us.

Christingle Service

The children in Kites, Y1, Y2 and their buddies in Y6 shared a Christingle service on Wednesday. They have worked hard to raise money for the Children’s Society and enjoyed the service led by Rev. James Stickings. Here are a few photos of the event.

Christmas Fair – Sat 30th November

We are really excited as it is only a week to go until the school Christmas Fair on Saturday 30th November 12-3pm. Thanks to all who have volunteered to help out. If you would still like to help out and can offer an hour of your time, please let us know by contacting the chair […]