Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


KS1 Quad Kids

On Tuesday 4th June, our KS1 children took part in Quad Kids which involved a long distance run, a sprint, a jumping and a throwing event. This was mainly run by our amazing Year 6 pupils. Despite getting a little soggy at the end, we had great fun. Thank you to Mr Nutt and Mrs […]

PTA Summer Fair 22nd June

The PTA Summer Fair will be held on Saturday 22nd June 12 – 3pm and this year the theme is “Embracing Nature and the Environment“. To support the summer fair there will be a non uniform day on Friday 21st June.  Children are invited to wear their own clothes to school, but please remember that these need to be […]

Help us win a playground!

As part of The Colgate® Oral Care Recycling Programme, Colgate® and TerraCycle® are offering the opportunity to a Primary School to win a playground made from recycled oral care products. You can vote for your favourite Primary School (Sonning Common Primary School, of course!) from the 23rd of May 2019 until the 3rd of July 2019. Just click on the link […]

Y6 swimming gala winners

Congratulations to our Year 6s that competed in the South Oxon swimming gala on Thursday 23rd May. Having made it through to the second round, the teams set off with the aim of making it through to the final round and they did not disappoint. Both teams competed against seven other schools and managed to […]

PTA launch photo competition

Photography Competition The theme for this years photography competition is “Embracing Nature” and is open to all year groups. Each child may enter up to 2 photos. Pictures should be no bigger than 7” (17.8cm) x 5” (12.7cm). How to enter: Please write your child’s name and class on the back, place in an envelope […]

Walk to School Week

This week is National Walk to School week and we’d like to encourage you to join in. We know that some of you have to drive your children, but why not park further away and walk the last part? You can find out more here: Living Streets Walk to School Week


Once again, our Active Leaders have done us proud. Today they organised a Skipathon for the British Heart Foundation. The charity donated skipping ropes to our school and so the Active Leaders set about arranging the event to raise money to thank them. All children were able to take part and learnt new skills. Thank […]

Sports News – Quad Kids winners!

Quad Kids After months of hard work, our athletics team travelled to Oxford to compete in the Oxfordshire Sportshall Athletics Finals and…we won! We don’t like to brag but that makes us the best athletics team out of 228 primary schools in the county! Well done to Charlotte, Jemimah, Sophie W, Neve, Kim, Sophie N, […]

KS2 Performance Showcase!

Last Thursday was the annual SCPS Performance Evening, where we aim to showcase the talents of our KS2 children. Every child prepares a piece to perform, and over term 4, teachers and children help to decide which should go forward to the annual showcase evening. Children who regularly attend the Tuesday evening Performers’ Club are […]

Swimming Gala

Well done to our Year 4 pupils that participated in the swimming gala against Kidmore End. It was stiff competition but we left with smiles on our faces after having a great afternoon.