Summer Reading Challenge 2020
This year the Summer Reading Challenge is online from 5th June so parents and carers can now sign up for the Silly Squad by visiting the website: Summer Reading Challenge On the website, children can set their own personal reading challenge for the summer and keep track of the books they have read. They can […]
SCPS Virtual Sports Day
We are very excited to launch our Virtual Sports Day, as we can’t do our usual event as planned. This year Sports “Day” becomes Sports “2 weeks” and will begin on Monday 29th June (our original sports day) To make sure we include everyone, the children will have until Friday 10th July to do their […]
A message from the PTA Chair It’s been a long and difficult few months for everyone since lockdown began suddenly on 23rd March; we are not yet back into our school community as we had hoped. Since not being together, we have missed many of our annual PTA fundraising events, including On Your Bike in […]
Are you musical?
The Oxfordshire County Music Service are seeking Oxfordshire’s best young musicians to be part of their debut virtual competition – do you think you’ve got what it takes? All you have to do is email them a video of you performing a piece of your choosing to be in with a chance of being crowned […]
Oxford Health NHS “Return to School” video
Our school nurses at the Oxford Health NHS Trust foundation sent us this YouTube link for their Return to School video, which we thought you might like to watch with your children as it might help reassure them if they are coming back into school.
SCPS re-opening
Dear Parents, We have been asked by the Government to start to widen the opening of Sonning Common Primary School to more pupils from the 1st of June. As you know, we have always been open for Key Worker families throughout these challenging times. We have also been open during the Easter break and for […]
Keeping children safe online
All schools should be doing what they reasonably can to keep all of their children safe and the Department for Education will be providing separate guidance to school on providing education remotely in due course. At SCPS children and staff should adhere to the ICT code of conduct in the same way as if they […]
On Your Bike – postponed to September 20th
On Your Bike 2020 Due to the unique global situation, we have decided to postpone On Your Bike from March 29th to Sunday 20th September. The registrations of all those who have already entered the March ride will be held over and we will announce new information as soon as we can. This information will […]
School Closure
Dear Parents Following yesterday’s government announcement, Sonning Common Primary School will be closed at the end of Friday 20th March, until further notice (except for the children of key workers for whom we are currently putting together a detailed plan). After School Club will run as normal on Friday 20th March until 6pm, otherwise the […]
COVID-19 (coronavirus update)
Free School Meals Kites Kitchen will be cooking lunches and preparing packed lunches for children who are eligible for Free School Meals from Monday 23rd March. The hot lunches can be re heated and the packed lunches will consist of a filled roll/baguette, fruit, yogurt, biscuit and drink. Menu’s for the following day will be […]