Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Merry Christmas Everyone!

We hope you have enjoyed our Christmas events including the PTA Christmas fair, the carol service, the nativity and the Kites presentation to mention a few. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 6th January. As usual the staff have found some […]

Phone lines

Due to the power cut on Thursday part of our phone system isn’t working. We do have a single phone working on the school number but please bear with us if the line is busy if you try to call us.

Christingle Service

The children in Kites, Y1, Y2 and their buddies in Y6 shared a Christingle service on Wednesday. They have worked hard to raise money for the Children’s Society and enjoyed the service led by Rev. James Stickings. Here are a few photos of the event.

Christmas Fair – Sat 30th November

We are really excited as it is only a week to go until the school Christmas Fair on Saturday 30th November 12-3pm. Thanks to all who have volunteered to help out. If you would still like to help out and can offer an hour of your time, please let us know by contacting the chair […]

Tree planting

Mr Simic was delighted to see so many people (staff, parents, pupils, ex-pupils and everyone else) coming to help plant his trees and daffodil bulbs in the school paddock. Thank you to everyone who gave their time and we hope you will enjoy seeing the trees and bulbs flourish in the coming years.

New bike shed

This is the new bike shed funded by the PTA and constructed by Mr Reading (one of our grandparents), with support from AW Cycles. We hope that you will continue to support the PTA by coming to the Christmas Fair on Saturday 30th November.

Children in Need

This year School Council are raising money for BBC Children in Need by running a raffle to win a Pudsey Bear. There are only two days left to buy tickets, just 50p for 1 ticket and £1.50 for 5. Tickets can be bought from School council at break times (outside Year 6 classroom) or from […]

School allotment sale success!

On Wednesday, school-grown produce was sold along with a selection of cakes. Thank you so much to everybody that bought produce. You will be delighted to know that the sale raised an impressive £135 which will be reinvested into the school garden. Thank you as well to Mr and Mrs Simic, Mrs O’Connor and Mrs […]

PTA fundraising – and school disco

The PTA are holding two Children’s Discos on Thursday 24th October. The first Disco is for KS1 (Kites, Y1 and Y2) from 4:15 – 5:45pm. The second Disco is for KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) from 6:00-7:30pm. The Discos are £3 per child payable on the door which includes a drink and crisps. […]

Christmas Fair – save the date!

As the weather is turning colder all thoughts turn to…. the PTA Christmas Fayre of course.  We’d love to see everyone there – its on Saturday 30th November from 12-3pm.  The PTA always need lots of parent helpers, to plan the fair, setup, man the stalls, and clear up again, the more helpers there are, […]