Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Keeping children safe online

All schools should be doing what they reasonably can to keep all of their children safe and the Department for Education will be providing separate guidance to school on providing education remotely in due course. At SCPS children and staff should adhere to the ICT code of conduct in the same way as if they […]

On Your Bike – postponed to September 20th

On Your Bike 2020 Due to the unique global situation, we have decided to postpone On Your Bike from March 29th to Sunday 20th September. The registrations of all those who have already entered the March ride will be held over and we will announce new information as soon as we can. This information will […]

School Closure

Dear Parents Following yesterday’s government announcement, Sonning Common Primary School will be closed at the end of Friday 20th March, until further notice (except for the children of key workers for whom we are currently putting together a detailed plan). After School Club will run as normal on Friday 20th March until 6pm, otherwise the […]

COVID-19 (coronavirus update)

Free School Meals Kites Kitchen will be cooking lunches and preparing packed lunches for children who are eligible for Free School Meals from Monday 23rd March. The hot lunches can be re heated and the packed lunches will consist of a filled roll/baguette, fruit, yogurt, biscuit and drink. Menu’s for the following day will be […]

PTA events – bingo and OYB

Your PTA would like to remind you of the events that are coming up this month: Rags to Riches on Wednesday 11th March – a chance to have a spring clean and bring your outgrown (but still wearable) old clothes for collection at 9am, see website for what is acceptable

World Book Day 2020

Thank you for your efforts in sending your children in dressed as their favourite book character. The day also celebrates reading by having each teacher visit a different class (not their own) and read to the class from one of their favourite books. We are also running a book swap event this afternoon where children […]

The Great SCPS Photography Competition

Following the success of the rugby, the chopsticks challenge, and the Bake-Off, our next team points challenge is the Great SCPS Photography Competition. Your children are invited to submit a photo of their choice for the competition sometime this term, with judging taking place at the end of the final week. Each entrant will receive […]

World Book day – Thursday 5th March

Don’t forget it’s WORLD BOOK DAY next Thursday (5th March). Children are welcome to come in dressed as their favourite book character and please have a good look through your bookshelves for any unwanted books to donate to our book swap. During this event, the children will have the opportunity to swap the books they […]

Safer Internet Day – the Survey

In addition to our focus group posted earlier in the week, we conducted a survey amongst KS2 children to assess three things – their enjoyment of certain internet-enabled apps, their worries about using them, and the support their parents could offer them in using the apps. Eighty-two responses were received and a small selection of […]

Great SCPS Bake Off

Thank you to everybody that took part in the ‘Great SCPS Bake Off’ today. Our Year 6 team captains had the very difficult job of tasting the cakes! With very full tummies, they announced the winners in assembly. It was such a difficult decision that it was impossible to choose just one prize in each […]