Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Book Fair

With the absence of the Bookshop and Book Fairs at the moment, we have set up an online ordering system with Scholastic. Your child should have brought home a Scholastic leaflet sometime last week, and from this you can order books online: Go to to browse the latest books and place your order online. […]

PTA Christmas hampers

Sadly our PTA Christmas Fair cannot go ahead this year but we can still produce our beautiful hampers that we raffle every year at the fair, so we intend to go ahead with the raffle which will be drawn on Friday 11th December. Each year we rely on donations for the hampers from our generous […]

Christmas Tree Sales

This autumn the PTA have had to devise new fundraising ideas for the school due to lack of face to face gatherings. We can now unveil our new initiative; our first ever Christmas Tree Sale ! Two years ago we planted 200 Christmas tree saplings (Nordman Fir) on site behind the KS2 building/studio, now as […]

PTA Jumble Trail – POSTPONED to 6-Dec

the planned PTA Jumble Trail is now posted from Sunday 8th November to Sunday 6th December (lockdown permitting of course). There will be a Jumble Trail in Sonning Common, from 11am to 3pm. All you have to do is register for the event, then on the day you set up your stall outside your house […]

URGENT: Flu vaccination reminder

Parents have been sent e-mail reminders about signing consent forms for their child to receive the flu vaccination, however some parents have yet to sign the forms. The children’s flu vaccine is safe and effective and is offered every year as a nasal spray (not an injection). Getting a flu vaccine is especially important this […]

Walk to School Competition

Walk To School Competition – The Children’s Challenge As a result of Covid-19, we have been unable to undertake our usual fundraising activities. To compensate for this, we are participating in a ‘Walk to School’ competition where children, accompanied by their parents, are encouraged to walk, run, scoot or cycle both to and from school […]

COVID-19 letter from Public Health England

Public Health England has produced a letter which explains when a child requires a coronavirus (COVID-19) test and what the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are. The intention of the letter is to support parents and carers in identifying when their child needs to self-isolate as a result of displaying coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms and answer some […]

Interhouse Photography & Caption Competition

As part of our Interhouse activities this year, we have planned a photography and caption competition for Term 1. If your child wishes to take part in the competition, please can they upload their photos into SCPS Photo Competition. The competition deadline is the morning of Friday 16th October, entries must be labelled with their […]

September 2020 Return to School – Letter to Parents

Dear Parents As we reach the end of the school holidays, we just need to remind you of arrangements for the beginning of this term. Your Child’s New Class You will have received a welcome letter by email on Monday 20th July to inform you which class your child is in for next year. The […]

Sports Week Results

Mr Andrews has been busy adding up the results from all your efforts at our Sports Week events. Well done to everyone who took part, we hope you enjoyed competing whether you were at home or at school. Here are the results: KS1 1. Air 1,233 2. Fire 993 3. Earth 766 4. Water 503 […]