Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired


Comic Relief

Red Nose Day is back on Friday 19th March and this year it’s never felt more important to have some fun and raise money to support people living incredibly tough lives. We will be joining in by asking everyone to add something red to their school uniform in return for a donation. It could be […]

PTA Easter cook along

After the success of our first PTA cook-along, we are going to host another one!  Join us on Friday 26th March at 4.30pm to make Easter Rocky Road.  Details of ingredients and the link needed to join will be posted on the Whole School page of SCPS Google Classroom. We hope to see you there!

PTA cook-along

Thank you to everybody that took part in our first ever SCPS cook-along. We had a great time making (and eating!) Welsh cakes. A huge thank you must go to Mrs OConnor for giving up her time to show us how to make them. We managed to raise a brilliant £132.50 from your kind donations- […]

Welcome Back

We’re very excited to think you will all be back in school on Monday. We’ve made a few changes since you were last here in December to keep our community safe and to reduce the numbers having to self-isolate in the event of a positive COVID case in school. Full details are in this return […]

World Book Day – Thursday 4th March

World Book Day aims to change lives through a love of books and shared reading. This year we would like everyone, whether they are in school or at home, to dress up as their favourite book character on Thursday 4th March. We’d love to see your costumes, if you can please take a photo holding […]

PTA News – Cook-Along and pre-loved uniform sale

All the monies raised this year by the PTA will go towards an outdoor learning space, where we can develop our outdoor resources and make a safe area to provide shelter and shade, but more importantly, a place to enhance the outdoor learning opportunities provided by teaching staff. Cook-Along On Friday 5th March at 4.30pm, […]

Solar School of the month

The Low Carbon Hub have given SCPS their #SolarSchool of the month award for January. Over the last year we have saved 6 tonnes of carbon and generated 20 310 kWh of energy, that’s enough to power nearly a quarter of a million kettles of boiling water. That’s a lot of cups of tea! You […]

Gavin Williamson open letter to parents

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has written an open letter to parents, carers and guardians following the news that all primary schools, secondary secondary schools, special and alternative provision schools, colleges and further education settings will be opening to all pupils from 8 March as part of the Government’s plans to lift the restrictions imposed on […]

SCPS present “Lockdown #3 in numbers”

Sonning Common Primary school are proud of their efforts to continue to educate and support their pupils and their families during Lockdown #3 in 2021. We thought you might like to watch our short video showing you how we’ve done this.

Oxfordshire Libraries – still there for you

What do Oxfordshire Libraries have to offer during lockdown? Although they are currently unable to open their doors for library browsing, they still have a lot to offer for everyone both in libraries and online. They are very keen to ensure pupils and students of all ages at schools in our community can still access […]