Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Welcome back

Welcome to the start of the new academic year.  Our school is refreshed and ready for the new term with our new headteacher Rachel Salmons who is delighted to welcome three new teachers, Miss Jones in Year 2, Miss Lunnon in Year 3 and Mrs Marrison in Year 5 and Mr Reid who will be helping with Forest Camp.  The school is looking nice and bright as KS1 had new lighting installed, the swimming pool now has some lovely solar panels and our kitchen has been deep cleaned and is ready to welcome your children for school lunch.

We are pleased to see everyone back looking so happy and healthy and we are working hard to settle children quickly into their new classes. Teachers and our lovely PTA have planned some great events and activities for the year ahead, which we look forward to telling you more about in the coming weeks.  We hope that you can attend your child’s curriculum sharing evening, but if you can’t the presentations and timetables will be loaded on the year group pages.  Do also make sure you have the SoCo 10K run in your diaries for Sunday 6th October to help raise funds for school.


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