Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Internet safety courses for parents

SCPS promotes the safe use of the internet for children.  We use commercial web filtering software to restrict what can be accessed from within school, all our children are taught internet safety rules in their Computing lessons and children cannot access social  media from school networks.

We know some children of primary school age use social media on their personal devices and have accounts despite the recommended UK minimum age of 13. In the EU most of these are restricted to under 16s.  Below are some popular social media sites terms and conditions, it is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure their children are not using social media in appropriately.

TikTok restricted mode

5 things parents need to know about TikTok

Instagram Age Limit

Facebook Age Limit

Discord Parental Guide

SnapChat map advice


Our school does NOT advocate our pupils having these accounts and is committed to promoting the safe and responsible use of the Internet and as such, we feel it is our responsibility to raise this particular issue as a concern.  Websites such as TikTok/Facebook/Snapchat/Instagram/X (Twitter) offer amazing communication and social connections, however they are created with their audience in mind and this is specifically 13 years old and above. Parents and carers have a responsibility to make sure children are aware of the issues around using these sites at an inappropriately early age.

The local police sent us details of course aimed at parents which you may find useful. These Cyber Choices sessions for parents, looking at how to safeguard young people from committing computer misuse offences, and why this needs to happen, can be booked now via this link: Cyber Choices: Cyber Choices by Police – South East Cyber | Eventbrite

These sessions last around an hour and are totally FREE to attend. They are aimed at parents/carers of a wide range of children/young people, from KS2 pupils (7-8 year olds) right up to college/uni students (18+)  Each webinar covers the same material, so you only need to sign up for one of them.

Cyber Protect are running separate webinars for parents and carers, with a focus on protecting children from online threats. These sessions – also FREE – can be booked here: Cyber Protect: Online Safety for Parents by Police – South East Cyber | Eventbrite

You can find more useful websites which give parents and children advice on using the internet safely on our page:

Internet Safety


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