Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Summer Reading Challenge

Marvellous Makers

Get creative this summer with a free children’s reading challenge at your local Oxfordshire library!

From 6 July to 7 September, children across Oxfordshire can collect stickers and rewards as they enjoy reading library books. This year’s theme – Marvellous Makers – aims to inspire children’s creativity and storytelling abilities through reading. From dance to drawing, junk modelling to music, there’s something for everyone!

Children will be encouraged to read at least six library books, eBooks or audiobooks of their choice over the summer holidays. As they read, they collect stickers and rewards. If they complete the challenge, they will be rewarded with a Marvellous Makers medal and certificate. Under 4s can take part in a mini challenge with their own special card and stickers! Look out for fantastic new books and activities at your library!

Find out more about the Summer Reading Challenge at Oxfordshire Libraries.

There’s also the Summer Reading Challenge website – where children can find book recommendations, games, competitions and an online reading challenge .


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