Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Non Uniform Day (for School Fair)

Don’t forget there is a non-uniform day tomorrow (Friday 28th June) and in return we request one or more of the following to help us with the summer fair activities. There will be volunteers at both school gates to help collect donations:
1. A bottle or something for the adult’s tombola
2. A jam jar filled with sweets or little toys for the children’s tombola
3. Good-quality second hand toy donations (these can be left under the bike shed from now)
4. Cakes or biscuits for our cake stall

Summer Fair – Saturday 29th June 12-3pm

We hope to see you at the Summer Fair on Saturday and this year our theme is the Olympics. We will have lots of exciting activities with a sporty twist and our classic games, plus many stalls from local charities and companies. We will also have performances from our choir and glee club at 1pm and Rabble drama club at 1.45pm, as well as a bar, tea and cake shop, BBQ and a raffle.

Tell your friends and bring them along. Children are free to get in and adults just £1 each, all the profits go towards giving your children some lovely extras (eg workshops) during the school year.


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