Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

New Interim Headteacher from September 2024

The Chair of Governors are delighted to be able to finally inform you that the governing body has found an excellent candidate to succeed Mr Hirst from September 2024.

After demonstrating a very clear passion and enthusiasm for our school, as well as excellent skill and experience in senior leadership, the governing body has confirmed that Mrs Salmons will be the new Interim Headteacher for the 2024/25 academic year. We are all very excited about supporting and working with Mrs Salmons in this new role. Mrs Salmons will obviously be very familiar to all of you, and we hope that she will enjoy your support as well.

In the meantime, Mr Hirst and Mrs Salmons will continue to work very closely to ensure a seamless handover to the new academic year.

Yours faithfully

Keith Settle and Mark Balcon
Co-Chairs of the Governing Board


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