Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

National Education Union – Teacher Strike Days

Teacher members of the National Education Union (NEU) in England and Wales, and support staff members in Wales, have voted to go on strike on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July.

The strikes are in response to the erosion of real-terms staff pay over many years, and the increasing pressures on school budgets.

The nature of this industrial action is such that it is impossible for us to predict the effects on the day. We conducted a risk assessment to determine whether the health, safety and satisfactory education of students can be guaranteed in the absence of the staff taking strike action. Following the risk assessment we have made the decision to close the school to most pupils on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July. We will however be open for a small number of children who fall into a specific category: families where at least one parent is considered to be a critical keyworker (see details below). Year 6 will not be invited in this time as SATs have been completed.

We hope you understand that we have not taken this decision lightly, but we felt it was important to inform you at the earliest opportunity to enable you to plan ahead. We are aware that there are other strike dates planned. We will inform you of our plans for those dates nearer the time.

Breakfast Club and After School Club will be open for those pupils attending school, please book in the usual way.

It appears unlikely that the proposed industrial action will be averted, but if this were to happen, I will write to you to confirm that the school will be open as usual.

Critical Keyworkers
The Health Service (NHS) – Including Ambulance Service, NHS Dental Practice & Pharmacy Workers.
Police & Fire – Including HM Prison Service, Highway Traffic Officers & Firefighters.
Home Office – Including those in the Border Force, Immigration Enforcement and UK Visas and Immigration.
Defense – Including HM Armed Forces, MoD Civil Servants, MoD Fire Service, MoD Police.
Social Care – Including Care Company Workforce, Social Workers, those working in Care Homes or Residential Care, in the Council in the care sector or as a foster carer.
Volunteers – For first aid and rescue volunteer services. Including HM Coastguard, RNLI, Search and Rescue, 4×4 Response, Blood Bikes, St Andrews Ambulance or St John Ambulance.


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