If you are stuck for ideas to occupy your children today, Mr Hirst suggests:
- Reading in a favourite place (den etc)
- Maths
o KS1 add two numbers together, the bigger the better. Put your teddies into height order. Look around where you live and see where numbers are and why they are important. As part of your walk to the woods or the park look for numbers to see how important they are to our daily lives.
o KS2 TT Rock Stars - Literacy
o KS1 write a card to a relative, including the envelope.
o KS2 Spelling Shed. - PE, geography, art and emotional wellbeing
o Go for a walk to the woods. Draw a map of your journey. When in the woods create a picture from natural materials (like Andy Goldsworthy does). Lie down on the ground (mind the mud!) and look up into the canopy of the tree.
o Go to the park. Draw a map of your journey. Draw a piece of play equipment and label the different shapes that it is made from. - Design technology and literacy
o Make your own lunch (with a little help if necessary) record the steps taken, pictures or sentences. Make one suggestion for ‘could be better if I…..’ - PHSE – being helpful and being kind
o Tidy up your toys or your bedroom.
o Play a game – turn taking. This could be a card game, board game or a game outside.