Dr Loader and Mr Burrows took 21 cricketers from Years 5 and 6 to a tournament at Shiplake College on Friday 10th June.
The tournament was played against other local primary schools and took place on the beautiful main field at Shiplake, in front of the grand school buildings and under the watchful eye of Chris Ellison (ECB Level 4 Coach and Director of Cricket at the school).
Both our teams acquitted themselves well, and although there were not placings or prizes, each participant received a certificate and a medal.
As always, it was a pleasure to take them and great to see their cricket developing nicely. We have some very good players and generally an excellent squad to choose from.
Many thanks to all the players, to Mr Burrows and Dr Loader for their cricketing skills, and to Mr Coates (and the Shiplake minibus) for transportation.
RL and RB