Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

Support for Ukraine

Along with many other schools in Oxfordshire, we are signalling our support for those affected by the crisis in Ukraine by supporting a collection of items.  Brize Norton School have organised a collection of items which they will be sending and all Oxfordshire schools have been invited to contribute.  A member of our staff will drive our contributions to Carterton on Thursday 17th March.  We know that many of you wanted to contribute to the collection at the Ukrainian Community Centre two weeks ago but that this collection quickly reached capacity.  Therefore, we would like to embrace this initiative which is being promoted to all schools in Oxfordshire. Items requested for donation are as follows:

  • Toiletries & sanitary items
  • dried foods (long life)
  • first aid supplies (unopened)
  • sleeping bags
  • warm clothes and underwear (new or excellent condition)
  • sleeping bags (no duvets or pillows)
  • children’s toys(small items such as pens & colouring books and teddies)

Alternatively, you may want to donate via the British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal (linked to the wider DEC appeal):


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