To mark next Tuesday’s very special and unusual date, we are inviting your children to complete a ‘22’ challenge. Hopefully this will keep them occupied for a bit of half term.
It is entirely optional, but consists of three possible challenges – running, walking, scooting or cycling 22km; reading 22 or 222 pages; or completing 22 chores.
Please see the attached flyer and the associated web page. If your children are able to do something, please fill in the form or the website (where you could also upload a picture). We will count all entries (paper and online) and the class with the most entries will earn themselves 22 minutes of extra playtime!
Here is the web page for uploading photos and comments.
Here is the paper form and flyer if you prefer. 22-02-22 record form
Of course if you are able to help our charity by making the activities sponsored, that would be much appreciated.
Have a good and a safe half-term.
From all of us at SCPS