Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

We’re looking for a Teaching Assistant

If you or any one you know is interested in working with us as a Teaching Assistant do please get in touch with the School office.

This position involves working with individual children or in small groups to support their learning in class, you must be confident and competent in maths and English (to GSCE or equivalent level).

We can offer flexible hours (9am to 1.15pm or 12.15 to 3.15pm; or hours could be combined), term time only.

In the first instance this is a fixed term contract of employment until August 2022.

Experience of working with children in a similar role highly desirable but not essential.

Closing date for applications Thursday 17th February 2022

Interviews will be held on Friday 18th February 2022

For application form and details or ring 0118 972 2105



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