What do Oxfordshire Libraries have to offer during lockdown?
Although they are currently unable to open their doors for library browsing, they still have a lot to offer for everyone both in libraries and online. They are very keen to ensure pupils and students of all ages at schools in our community can still access books and information sources and know how to discover our online offers. Find out about everything included here at Oxfordshire Libraries
For the first time they are offering a free Click and Collect service for customers of all ages who are interested in a new way to explore books and reading during lockdown. All a borrower needs to do is complete the Click and Collect form, say what sort of books they like to read and choose a library collection point from the list. Our experienced and knowledgeable library staff will hand-pick up to six books that fit their interests and preferences. We aim to meet requests within 24 hours. We’ll be in touch when the books are available, and they’ll have three days to pick them up.
They have nearly 30,000 new and popular fiction and non-fiction titles eBooks and eAudio books available for adults, young adults, and children of all ages. They can be read – or listened to – on a wide variety of devices such as smartphones, tablets, eReaders (except Kindles), PCs & Macs. The easiest way to get started is to download the Libby and/or Borrowbox app and log in with a library card number and PIN.
An exciting feature on Overdrive/Libby is the brand new Kids & Teens area, which features only titles for children and young people! Also, don’t miss Andy Griffith’s The 26-Storey Treehouse, which is currently has unlimited availability with no wait – in eBook and eAudio – on the Borrowbox site.
In addition to the books, they also provide online access to a huge range of magazines and local, national and international newspapers. PressReader gives you access to more than 7,000 titles such as The Beano and The Week Junior, while RBdigital offers the latest issues of magazines like BBC History and RasPi. Both services are free to use and quick to register and start reading.
Until 21 February they’d love to receive more entries to our eBook Short Story Competition in age categories 5-11 and 12-17 years!
Anyone who’s excited by all that’s available but isn’t yet a member can join online by visiting www.libcat.oxfordshire.gov.uk and clicking on ‘Join the Library’.