Sonning Common Primary School

Space to learn, grow and be inspired

On-line learning starts Wednesday 6th January

Following the government announcement of school closures from today until at least February half term, you may have many questions, concerns and anxieties which we will hope to support you with over the coming days and weeks as best we can.

From Wednesday 6th January, we will continue to provide online learning via Google Classroom. If your child is having any difficulties with their login please email the school office who will be able to pass the message onto your child’s teacher and/or the ICT technician as required. Please note all classrooms are closed until 9am tomorrow morning to allow teachers to refocus them for on-line learning after the late announcement yesterday.

Our school will reopen on Wednesday 6th January, as stated by the announcement, only for children of key workers or those classified as vulnerable. If your child qualifies for a place at school under the definitions of these terms, please contact the school office asap to confirm whether you intend to take up this option and send your child to school. We will need to organize staffing and groupings so the earlier you can let us know would really help us to get things in place.

During these difficult times, we thank you for all the support you have offered the school, and we will continue to do our best for your children, ensuring their education continues even when they are not in our classrooms and playgrounds.


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