This autumn the PTA have had to devise new fundraising ideas for the school due to lack of face to face gatherings. We can now unveil our new initiative; our first ever Christmas Tree Sale !
Two years ago we planted 200 Christmas tree saplings (Nordman Fir) on site behind the KS2 building/studio, now as they grow bigger, we need to thin them out. We will be selling a number of them as rooted trees in pots. They are £15 each in a fabric 20 litre pot (as recommended for good root development) and are about 1-2ft. Examples can be seen outside the SCPS mural/Year 2 classrooms. Our trees were grown and planted without any chemicals.
We will also we selling Nordman Fir trees from a UK Christmas tree farm, Nordman Fir are the non-needle drop variety. We will have an example of the tree type displayed in the playground, which will come in two sizes (5-6ft and 6-7ft) in early November. Every tree purchased helps us fill the fundraising gap and support your children at school.
The large trees are priced at £30 (6ft) and £40 (7ft) and we will open the KS2 playground for your tree collection after school on Friday 4th Dec, and lunchtime on Saturday 5th December (times to be confirmed).
Please send your completed form by Sunday 22nd November to or drop into the PTA box at the school office.
Payment must be made in full at time of booking and can be made via cheque payable to SCPS, cash or Paypal using