Parents have been sent e-mail reminders about signing consent forms for their child to receive the flu vaccination, however some parents have yet to sign the forms. The children’s flu vaccine is safe and effective and is offered every year as a nasal spray (not an injection). Getting a flu vaccine is especially important this season because the flu and the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cause similar common signs and symptoms. Flu vaccination could reduce symptoms that might be confused with those caused by COVID-19. Preventing the flu and reducing the severity of flu illness and hospitalizations will also lessen the stress on the health care system.
You can read more information about the flu vaccine here:
NHS child flu vaccine advice
At SCPS the annual flu vaccination is on Wednesday 21st October 2020.
You must give consent for your child to receive the vaccine.
To access the consent form please click on the following link: Consent form
The unique code for SCPS is: OX123038.
A reminder to please submit your form by 5pm on Friday 16 October to ensure your child receives their vaccination. The link will close on this date and late consents will not be accepted.