Dear Parents
As we reach the end of the school holidays, we just need to remind you of arrangements for the beginning of this term.
Your Child’s New Class
You will have received a welcome letter by email on Monday 20th July to inform you which class your child is in for next year. The new Google Classrooms will be available on Tuesday 1st September in case your child wants to re-watch the video just before the return.
Restarting School in September
We have detailed arrangements for the restart in September in place according to the current state of the guidelines. Please note the following:
If you have any questions that you would normally have asked Mrs Matthews, please email them into the school
Should you need to come into the school please note all parents and visitors to the school, including contractors, will be required to wear a face mask.
There are some return to school videos in Google classroom – Whole School area
First Week Back – please note alternate days
To ensure our processes are workable, we will work with smaller groups on the first two days back:
• On Thursday 3rd September we will only have Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 in school.
• On Friday 4th September we will only have Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 in school.
• Kites will be in from 9am to 12noon on both Thursday 3rd September and Friday 4th September.
• From Monday 7th September all classes will be in full-time every day, with the exception of Kites who will continue with mornings only for that week.
The Start and End of the School Day
• Drop off – The gate will be open from 8.45am so no child should arrive earlier than this time (unless they are booked into Breakfast Club). School starts at 8.55 and children need to be in their classroom by this time. We will not continue to take temperatures at the gate but a teacher will be there with hand sanitiser and to pass on any message to class teachers.
• KS2 parents will drop off at the Grove Road gate and will not come onto site in the mornings.
• Children will go straight into class so that we do not have any waiting on the playground.
• KS1 parents should come in through the Lea Road gate and follow the one-way system to their child’s class and back out through the side gate.
• At the end of the day parents should wait on the playgrounds for their child to come out.
• We would expect parents to adhere to social distancing whilst they are waiting.
Keeping your child safe
• Children will work and play in year group bubbles.
• Equipment will not be shared between bubbles unless there is a clear 72 hours between use.
• The ICT Suite will be cleaned carefully between users.
• Desks will be cleaned throughout the day.
• Hand-washing will be frequent and thorough.
• Year group bubbles will play together at playtime and lunchtimes in designated areas of the playground.
• KS2 children will eat in their classroom whilst KS1 children will continue to eat in the Hall.
• Classrooms will be carefully cleaned before and after children have eaten.
Equipment and Uniform
• Children should wear their normal school uniform, including school shoes. No jewellery please. Hair should be tied back.
• PE kit – in on a Monday please, and home on a Friday (KS1 will only send home if it is wet or dirty)
• Pencil cases. These are for Years 3 – 6 and should contain pencils, ruler, rubber, sharpener, colouring pens or pencils. They must be small enough to easily fit in a drawer as we need to keep all desks clear for cleaning.
• Pencil cases and water bottles will be left in school overnight to limit the amount of equipment which will be transferred in and out of school.
Breakfast and After School Clubs
They will both be open and operating in bubbles – please ensure you book in advance to secure a place. More details to follow regarding booking.
We hope these arrangements are clear – please do get in touch if there is anything requiring clarification, and please be aware that we may need to amend certain procedures if the guidelines change.
Many thanks and best wishes.
Your Head teacher
Chris Hirst