Dear Parents,
As you know this Friday is an INSET day where children will not be in school. This is an ideal opportunity for parents/carers to come into school to collect any of your child’s possessions (eg PE kit, lost property etc) as well as their exercise books which will be laid out for you. Please note, if your child is in currently attending school their books will be returned to them on the last day of term so do not need to be collected.
The Lea Road and Grove Road gates will be open between 9.30am and 2.00pm. Trays containing your child’s books will be put onto the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds.
We will also be placing lost property from both KS1 and KS2 on the table tennis tables (on the KS2 playground) for those who wish to have a look through (at your own risk, you may wish to bring gloves with you).
Due to current government guidelines, we are prevented from holding or encouraging large gatherings. Currently this means a maximum of 6 people outdoors. We ask therefore only one adult comes to collect your child’s books. This is not a social occasion and regrettably staff will not be on hand to speak to parents.
Items can also be collected between 2pm and 3.30pm on the last day of term, Tuesday 21st July. Any items not collected will be stored as Lost Property and made available in September. Any items not collected will be disposed of at the end of the first full week back in September.
Also we ask please can you go through your home bookshelves, cupboards and search under beds to see if there are any school reading books or Read Write Inc (phonics) books that need to be returned to school. Please can you place them in the large boxes that are provided on both playgrounds and outside the school office. We really need these books back so we can sort them before the end of term.
Many thanks.