We thought you might like to get a flavour of what a typical day of online learning at Sonning Common might look like.
We undertook, right from the start of lockdown on 23rd March, to continue a full provision of online learning for every year group. We are immensely proud to have met that objective, without exception. We have attempted to comment and/or mark every piece of work that was submitted back to us (through the Google tools we use, on paper, or as a picture or document). We have managed to do that. For children unable to access the online materials, we have sent work home, and for key worker children (and more lately the returning year groups) we have maintained a mix of online and face-to-face learning. Right from the start, we felt it was important to maintain a routine for each child, and give them something to work towards each day. No child has been pushed or chased, and everyone has been able to work at their own pace.
In all year groups, each day has included some substantive Maths and English. Each day has also included at least two other full sessions, and often three or four. We have tried to avoid too many worksheets, although sometimes the ‘lesson’ has to be padded out with material for children to work on. Many teachers have included audio recordings (reading a guided reading text for example), video recordings (of how to do a tricky maths problem), or screencasts (leading children through part of a computing lesson, for example). Some teachers have recorded themselves talking to their class, and there have been a limited number of live sessions.
We have not been too ambitious, but we have innovated and improved as the weeks have gone on.
It has been a challenge, and it may continue to be one, but we are so proud of the way our staff, parents and most of all our pupils, have pulled together in these extraordinary times. Thank you. Your kind words and comments have kept us going!
“Thank you for being so proactive and approachable during this time. The school have worked hard to ensure the children have lots to do and lots of help and support available. Well done!”
“Thank you for all the hard work you are doing making this totally new format work.”
“All communication clear. Good to have messages from headteacher too. Thanks for all your best efforts at this difficult time.”
“You have done a fantastic job all of you. I’m very proud of our school. Many many thanks for your efforts!”
“Just wanted to say thank you to all the staff – every interaction has been great, you’ve shown great resilience, agility and leadership as well as a positive community spirit. Notes from teachers, TA’s and Head alike are so supportive and positive. You all deserve the ‘Parents Pen’ this term. THANK YOU!”
The attached video should give you a flavour of what the days have looked like across the school. Enjoy.