A message from the PTA Chair
It’s been a long and difficult few months for everyone since lockdown began suddenly on 23rd March; we are not yet back into our school community as we had hoped. Since not being together, we have missed many of our annual PTA fundraising events, including On Your Bike in March, our Retro Quiz in April, the Summer Fair which should be tomorrow 20th June and our Family Camp Out in July. These family events bring the school, village and wider community together and form the backbone of our calendar. These events would have estimated to have brought in a vital £10,000 for our school funds.
These funds top-up the underfunding from central government which has been eroded over recent years, so are essential for educational resources for our children in the classroom and have improved the wider school environment for everyone.
The PTA, like many other charities, will have a deficit of funds for the coming year ahead; how school classrooms will look and what resources schools will need from our funds, will be difficult to predict in the new school term from September.
In terms of fundraising, we are limited for now, but would welcome any socially distant or virtual ideas for the coming term. Please contact us at pta@sonning-common.oxon.sch.uk
However, there is one way we can support school fundraising. There has never been a better time to support the school lottery because we can fundraise online and without the need for face-to-face contact with the school community. The online school lottery produces winners from our school community every week and those who are already part of the School Lottery, this has been a great way to raise extra funds for our school. By taking part in the draw you have the added interest of winning a weekly prize, including the national £25,000 jackpot prize.
If you or your family and friends want to enter, each ticket costs £1 a week via direct debit. The School Lottery enables us to raise money all year round, and you can sign up here :
Another way to continue to raise money for school is via online shopping. I’m sure that like me, this part of your lives has surged during lockdown. Don’t forget that if you shop at Amazon, eBay, or any of the retail stores online they will donate money to our PTA. It is calculated as a % of your transaction and it all adds up !
When you shop online log into www.easyfundfaising.org.uk and locate Sonning Common as your good cause, then the website will located your retailer’s website. It’s one extra step online, but PTA get a donation and worth the extra few seconds of your time. So please remember your school next time you shop online.
Until we are reunited, be safe, be kind and be well.
Amy O’Connor