Dear Parents,
We have been asked by the Government to start to widen the opening of Sonning Common Primary School to more pupils from the 1st of June. As you know, we have always been open for Key Worker families throughout these challenging times. We have also been open during the Easter break and for a few days over this half term. We have been here to serve our community and have also willingly accepted pupils from other local schools to help out where we were able to do so.
Our pupils who have not been able to attend in person have participated brilliantly from day one of the lockdown by working in their virtual Google classrooms with work set, according to the timetable, by their Year Group staff and supported by their parents to learn at home.
So, from the 1st of June, we will continue to accept a slightly larger number of Key Worker children, potentially up to 60 each day, split into four groups, with staggered drop-off and pick-up time to adhere to the 2m social distancing guidance.
From the 8th June we will also be opening up to pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. However, due to the number of pupils wishing to come back and the additional space required, adhering to the 2m social distancing guideline, this will probably mean two groups of 15 pupils on a Monday and Tuesday, and then two other groups on a Thursday and Friday.
We are anticipating the school reaching a maximum number of pupils each day, not to exceed 105, which is vastly different from our more usual 370ish.
We will also continue to provide work for pupils unable to attend through our Google classrooms.
This could never have been imagined or planned for and I am so proud of all who work in this amazing school, who have risen to the challenge, adapted their ways of working in an instant, to do what is right for the children who attend this school.
I am not sending this message out to ask for support as I know that it has and always will be there. I am just letting you know what our plans are in opening up the school for more pupils, from the 1st June and just keeping our local community informed.
Take care – hopefully see you all soon.
Your Headteacher
Mr Chris Hirst