Dear Parents
Following yesterday’s government announcement, Sonning Common Primary School will be closed at the end of Friday 20th March, until further notice (except for the children of key workers for whom we are currently putting together a detailed plan). After School Club will run as normal on Friday 20th March until 6pm, otherwise the site will be closed at 3:30pm.
We are committed to supporting your child’s learning through the closure period.
Your child will come home today or tomorrow with a pack of material that should support this process. The packs, or your child’s planner, include login details for all our main online tools.
We hope to be able to provide daily support (some ‘virtual’ schooling) through Google Classroom. Everyone at school (teachers and children) have had some rudimentary training on Google Classroom this week. Please be aware that this is a new tool for us, and whilst we are confident that we can provide a level of curriculum coverage, we are not aiming to fill every day with schoolwork. We are acutely aware that many parents will still be working, and of the potential difficulties of juggling childcare in these uncertain times. We would appreciate your support in helping your child to access the tool regularly, and if you are able to help them with some of the tasks that would be good. We would ask for your patience as we find out the best way to make this all work.
Google Classroom can be accessed via the school website – right at the foot of the page click on ‘SCPS Cloud’ and go in through the ‘Student’ icon) or you can google SCPSCloud or Google Classroom. Clicking through ‘Go to Classroom’ will invite you to log in using the details provided in the planners or packs (be sure to use the full email address from the sticker). There are also very good iPhone/iPad and Android apps. On logging in, your child will have at least one invitation to join their class. Having accepted an invitation, they will be able to see any comments, assignments, tasks or other material posted for them.
With many thanks and best wishes for the next few weeks.
Chris Hirst
SCPS Senior Leadership Team