Free School Meals
Kites Kitchen will be cooking lunches and preparing packed lunches for children who are eligible for Free School Meals from Monday 23rd March.
The hot lunches can be re heated and the packed lunches will consist of a filled roll/baguette, fruit, yogurt, biscuit and drink.
Menu’s for the following day will be sent out daily. Please contact Mrs Chris Matthews by 10am each morning to place your order.
Lunches can be picked up from the kitchen door (Lea Road entrance) which will be in a recycled container, between 12noon and 12:30pm.
If you are self isolating and unable to get anyone to collect the lunches, please let us know and we will try to have it delivered to you.
0118 972 2105 or
Friday 20th March 2020
Good morning,
Some children brought their learning books / packs home yesterday, the remainder will be bringing them home today.
If your child is not currently in school, your pack is now available for you to pick up, or for someone to pick up on your behalf. Please note that the Kites packs will not be available to collect until this afternoon.
If you are unable to collect your child’s pack, or do not have anyone to collect it for you, please let me know and I will arrange for it to be delivered to you.
Kind regards,
Mrs Chris Matthews / 0118 972 2105
Friday 20th March 2020
Dear Parents
You will have seen overnight the list of key workers has been published by the government.
We are committed to staffing the school appropriately for the children of those key workers, and we are fully committed to starting that provision on Monday 23rd March, from 8:55am. Breakfast Club will be available from 7:30am and ASC until 6pm. Bookings can be made as usual using SchoolsBuddy. School lunches will also be available.
Clearly the recommendations on social distancing mean that for the health of your children and our staff, the numbers of children and adults in school should be minimised.
As far as we understand it, your child would qualify if one parent falls into the key worker category, and you are unable to make alternative provision with family or friends.
Please let us know as a matter of urgency today if you think we can help you during this emergency. There is a form to complete at the bottom of this letter.
Stay safe and best wishes.
The list as it stands is as follows:
Health and social care
This includes but is not limited to doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers, and other frontline health and social care staff including volunteers; the support and specialist staff required to maintain the UK’s health and social care sector; those working as part of the health and social care supply chain, including producers and distributers of medicines and medical and personal protective equipment.
Education and childcare
This includes nursery and teaching staff, social workers and those specialist education professionals who must remain active during the COVID-19 response to deliver this approach.
Key public services
This includes those essential to the running of the justice system, religious staff, charities and workers delivering key frontline services, those responsible for the management of the deceased, and journalists and broadcasters who are providing public service broadcasting.
Local and national government
This only includes those administrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of the COVID-19 response or delivering essential public services such as the payment of benefits, including in government agencies and arms length bodies.
Food and other necessary goods
This includes those involved in food production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery as well as those essential to the provision of other key goods (for example hygienic and veterinary medicines).
Public safety and national security
This includes police and support staff, Ministry of Defence civilians, contractor and armed forces personnel (those critical to the delivery of key defence and national security outputs and essential to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic), fire and rescue service employees (including support staff), National Crime Agency staff, those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles, including those overseas.
This includes those who will keep the air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport modes operating during the COVID-19 response, including those working on transport systems through which supply chains pass. Utilities, communication and financial services
KEY WORKER DETAILS – Please return to Mrs Matthews in the school office by the end of the school day.
Child’s name(s) and Year Group_______________________________________________
Name of parent ___________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Number(s)________________________________________________
BF & ASC required YES / NO
School Lunch required YES / NO
Thursday 19th March 2020
Dear Parents
Following yesterday’s government announcement, the Sonning Common Primary School site will be closed from 3.15pm on Friday 20th March, until further notice (except for the children of key workers (as advised nationally) for whom we are currently putting together a detailed plan). ASC will run as normal on Friday 20th March until 6pm.
We are committed to supporting your child’s learning through the closure period.
This will start from Monday, and your child will have come home today or tomorrow with a pack of material that should support this process. The packs, or your child’s planner, include login details for all our main online tools.
We hope to be able to provide daily support (some ‘virtual’ schooling) through Google Classroom. Everyone at school (teachers and children) have had some rudimentary training on Google Classroom this week. Please be aware that this is a new tool, and whilst we are confident that we can provide a level of curriculum coverage, we are not aiming to fill every day with schoolwork. We are acutely aware that many parents will still be working, and of the potential difficulties of juggling childcare in these uncertain times. We would appreciate your support in helping your child to access the tool regularly, and if you are able to help them with some of the tasks that would be good. We would ask for your patience as we find out the best way to make this all work.
Google Classroom can be accessed by simply googling the word ‘Classroom’ (it will be the top result). Clicking through ‘Go to Classroom’ will invite you to log in using the details provided in the planners or packs (be sure to use the full email address from the sticker). Alternatively you can access it via the school website – right at the foot of the page click on ‘SCPS Cloud’ and go in through the ‘Student’ icon). There are also very good iPhone/iPad and Android apps. On logging in, your child will have at least one invitation to join their class. Having accepted an invitation, they will be able to see any comments, assignments, tasks or other material posted for them.
With many thanks and best wishes for the next few weeks.
Chris Hirst
SCPS Senior Leadership Team
Dear Parents,
The Senior Leadership Team of the school have been working with all staff to formulate a contingency plan in the event of the school having to close.
Current advice remains in place from the Department of Education: no education or children’s social care setting should close in response to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case unless advised to do so by Public Health England.
The Chief Medical Officer has advised that the impact of closing schools on both children’s education and on the workforce would be substantial, but the benefit to public health may not be. Decisions on future advice to education or children’s social care settings will be taken based on the latest and best scientific evidence, which at this stage suggests children are a lower risk group.
We may be forced to close if too many staff are forced to self-isolate as per the government advice.
Advice for households with possible COVID-19.
In the event of a short-term closure, we will continue your child’s education by sending home packs of pre-prepared materials. These are ready if we need them. For a longer-term closure, provided that staff themselves are healthy, we would aim to run a range of activities based around the G Suite for Education Classroom tool for which children have received logins. We are confident that we can keep learning going using this approach.
If your child will be unable to access the internet at home, please inform Mrs Matthews so that we can make provision for additional paper-based packs for your children.
As part of our contingency planning we are considering what arrangements we could put into place for front line workers, such as those who work for the NHS. This would depend upon what we would be allowed to do following Public Health England Guidance. If you fall into this category, please let Mrs Matthews know, so we can anticipate how many pupils we would need to provide for.
Thank you for your continued support and patience at this challenging time for all of us.