Your PTA would like to remind you of the events that are coming up this month:
Rags to Riches on Wednesday 11th March – a chance to have a spring clean and bring your outgrown (but still wearable) old clothes for collection at 9am, see website for what is acceptable Rags2Riches.
Easter Egg bingo on Thursday 26th March at 3:30 in the school hall, families welcome £1 for 10 games.
On Your Bike on Saturday 29th March at 10am from the KS2 playground – a great bike ride for all the family, you choose your distance 6, 12 or 20 miles and there is also a supervised playground cycle for youngsters who are still a bit wobbly on their wheels.
One hundred percent of all entry fees are shared between Sonning Common Primary School PTA and chosen local charities.
Everyone who registers for the ride on the website before 6pm on 15th March 2020 will be automatically entered in to a draw to WIN A BIKE kindly donated by AW Cycles.
Sign up at On Your Bike