We are really excited as it is only a week to go until the school Christmas Fair on Saturday 30th November 12-3pm. Thanks to all who have volunteered to help out. If you would still like to help out and can offer an hour of your time, please let us know by contacting the chair of the SCPS PTA Amy O’Connor via pta@sonning-common.oxon.sch.uk (or directly on her personal email account sent to you via Parentmail).
Start collecting your donations ready for non-uniform day on Friday 29th November. At school dropoff on Friday morning, the PTA we will collect (as “payment” for wearing non-uniform) the following :
• a wrapped present for the children’s tombola (not jam jars), please make sure presents are suitable for both boys and girls
• 2nd hand toys and kids books for resale at our 2nd hand toy stall,
• a (full, in date) bottle of something for the adult’s tombola
• homemade or bought cakes for the cake stall
We couldn’t make it happen without you. Please support us by coming along and having some fun playing games, shopping, listening to our choir, recorders and Glee clubs perform and tasting delights in the kitchen cafe and cake stall !
Thank you,
Your PTA