The PTA are holding two Children’s Discos on Thursday 24th October. The first Disco is for KS1 (Kites, Y1 and Y2) from 4:15 – 5:45pm. The second Disco is for KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) from 6:00-7:30pm.
The Discos are £3 per child payable on the door which includes a drink and crisps.
Important: Please collect KS1 children at 6pm at the back entrance to the hall (in the Kites garden) to avoid tangling with the incoming KS2 children queuing at the office door.
Parents don’t need to stay, but a few are welcome to serve drinks and crisps. Please let us know if you can help out.
The PTA run a number of fundraising schemes, check out our webpage for more details SCPS PTA Fundraising
These include a new initiative with Amazon, called Amazon Smile. If parents shop on Amazon and select SCPS PTA as their charity we will get 0.5% of nett sales. SCPS Amazon Smiles
The PTA have a lottery, tickets cost just £1 each, for each weekly draw; 40% of ticket sales are donated to our school. To start supporting, please visit SCPS lottery.
Our cash back scheme is run by EasyFundRaising. You can install a donation reminder and an app to your phone to make it easy. You’d be surprised at how many retailers are listed, even Amazon, John Lewis, Tesco, Waitrose, ebay, M&S, Next and loads more! There are no catches or hidden charges and we’ll be really grateful for your donations.