Tomorrow is Sports Day for all SCPS children, the forecast is for drizzle before 9am, then a cloudy but warm day. Please make sure your child comes to school with a full water bottle (water only) and that you have applied sunscreen. Children can arrive in their PE kit, please also make sure they have a waterproof or change of clothes (if the forecast is wrong!).
Year 3-6 (KS2) will start at 9:15am aiming to be complete by 11:30am.
Kites and Y1-2 (KS1) will start at 1:30pm aiming to be complete by 3:15pm.
We encourage you to walk to school as there is limited parking, but if you have to drive please park with consideration for our neighbours and for your children. Please feel free to bring a camping seat /picnic blanket to sit on (we do also provide benching).
We ask that you do not cross the track to talk to your children until after the events so they can concentrate on competing, and we look forward to seeing you cheer them on.