Welcome back to SCPS, we hope you had an enjoyable break and we wish you a Happy New Year.
We’d like to remind you that the Christmas Competitions (create a stop frame animation and create an upcycled object) need to be submitted to school by this Friday (11th January) for judging.
We’d also like to you to remind anyone with children due to start school in September 2019 that the deadline for applications is Tuesday 15th January. If they are still undecided you might like to tell them what a great school SCPS is!
We have lots of events coming up this year – the first of which is the PTA Quiz on Friday 25th January (detail on how to enter a team will be sent out shortly) followed by the PTA AGM on Monday 28th January. Everyone with a child at school is automatically a member of the PTA, so why not come along and find out what they do and how you can help, all funds raised go directly to your child’s experiences in school.